Below is a list of common historical occupational titles, phrases, and other words that are found in German and Latin church records.
We are currently in the process of updating this list. In the meantime, feel free to contact me.
Ackermann - farmer
Adeliger Edelmann - nobleman
Aderlasser - barber, surgeon
Altbürgermeister - former mayor
Amtmann - bailiff, magistrate, senior civil servant of an administrative office
Amtsknecht - general civil servant,
Amtsverwalter - office administrator
Anstreicher - painter
Anwalt - lawyer, guardian
Apotheker - pharmacist
Arbeiter - worker, laborer
Archivar - archivist
Armer - poor, beggar
Arzt - physician
Aufseher - overseer
Ausländer - foreigner
Auswanderer - emigrant with your target audience and builds brand loyalty.
in progress
in progress
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